Sunday, December 5, 2010

the strategery of being classy

     Yesterday I worked on my term paper for my history class for the majority of the day. Ratzi helped me edit it for grammar and all that. I ended up finishing around 3. The paper is seven pages long and about 2300 words, all in German. That was pretty much the last thing I have to do here minus the "exams" this week, all (2) of which are oral. We do have to go to Vienna and take a German test to see how much we have improved, but this shouldn't be too stressful. Last night I was invited to play Risk with Braz, Andy, and Mayr. We played a different way than I'm used to, but I got it after a little while. We started off the game by breaking out a bottle of Cognac and Jameson. Fate led me to have Australia, so I knew it was going to be a good game. I started off slow, but eventually took Asia. We were playing with mission cards, and just as I was about to accomplish my goal of 24 countries, Mayr finished his, taking Africa and North America. The red troops were shocked. After a while we decided to go to the Christmas Market in the city. The specialty this time of year is Punsch. Its a hot drink pretty much made from wine. Instead of having regular punsch, we had the special punsch. If you keeping up with my blogging, then you can probably guess what special punsch is. Yes, those that guessed punsch with another shot of alcohol are correct. After about 4 mugs of this wonderful concoction, we headed to rox for a little bit. The night ended a little early and I went back to the academy.
     Today was a very lazy day. I watched a movie and studied a little bit for my test with major lampersberger tomorrow. It feels good knowing that I don't really have any more studious committments left while I'm here. I can just relax and enjoy my last week (5 days really) in Austria.

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