Thursday, December 16, 2010

One last blog

Now that I've been back for almost a week, it's given me some time to think about my time and experiences in Austria. It was truly an honor to meet all of the cadets and officers at the military academy in wiener neustadt. I can't thank them enough for giving me a great time that I will never forget. I already miss Austria and can't wait to go back some day, hopefully sooner rather than later. Who knows when we'll run into eachother, downrange, in a bar, or otherwise. The Austrian way of life is a great one that everyone can try to match. However, I love being in America, and would never want to permanently live anywhere else. The free ketchup and free refills are just to big to pass up on. Seriously though, I want to thank everyone that positively, or negatively for that matter, impacted my life while abroad. I especially want to thank everyone in room 210 for being there when I had questions or didn't understand your fast as hell speaking. The picture of us is great and I'll keep it for a long long time. Another big thanks to the guys that took us to the different cities. Big thanks to Bernd and his great family for their hospitality. Thanks also to Mathoi and Max and Andy for showing us around Innsbruck and Graz respectively. Thanks to Braz and Ratzi for always being ready for a party. Well, I guess that should go out to all of the Lehmaenner. What a great group of guys. I'll never forget you all. In closing, I just want to say that there was nothing like my time spent in Austria. It was really an experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. For all of those involved, it's not good-bye, just see you later.

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