Friday, October 8, 2010

Ride like the wind Bullseye!

     This week was very busy academically. And by that, I mean that I had four actual classes. On Monday I had the German class again, which wasn't so bad this time. In the afternoon we had sport class, aka: mandatory fun/run time. Tuesday I didn't have anything until 1 in the afternoon. From there the first years had a tour of the "Burg." It was very cool to here and see all of the history behind the MilAk. The church here is pretty neat as well. In the middle there's a big see-through container with a bunch of skulls from important people. They may not be what the guy said because I just made that up, but there really are skulls. Talk about skeletons in your closet (zing zing). After the tour we had a military history class. The teacher basically blazed through the entirety of World War I in an hour and a half. I didn't understand much because he was talking a hundred miles an hour.
     Wednesday was a legitimately busy day. We had the German class in the morning for four hours, then lunch, and then another military history class. This time it was everything leading up to the war, and then again on the war itself, and a little after the war. Right after this we had more mandatory fun time. The middle school kids that go to the military school next to the MilAk joined us. We started off as a group jogging around the sport complex, which is surprisingly big. Then we stopped and did some core exercises. It was funny in a sick kind of way watching the high school kids struggle with variations of push-ups and bridge exercises. I just chilled and did my thing until it was over. After this we broke up into two groups: those that wanted (needed) to run, and those that wanted to play soccer. Having ran the day before, I decided to play soccer. There were about 4 people from the academy, and the rest were from the middle school. The only thing that I really have going for me in soccer is that I can run a lot. Basically all of these kids were better than me, but I could outrun them after a while, so that led to me being decent. I also played goalie for a little bit and had some sweet saves.
     Yesterday was my first day horseback riding. We learned how to groom the horse before and after you ride it, put the saddle on, and all that good stuff. After that we went into the riding hall and learned how to make them speed up, slow down, gallop, and stop with just commands. Then we got on the horse with just saddles, no stirrups. This was just to get confident and improve balance. We rode around in circles, with the horse on a lead. We did different exercises to work on balance. Riding was a lot of fun, and I look forward to getting better as the semester goes on. Supposedly we're going to be able to ride two to three times per week. The instructor was also telling us that these kinds of private lessons with world class horses would usually cost 50 Euros per hour, and we can pretty much ride whenever we want. I think we got a nice deal. We'll see how it goes.

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