Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bratislava and ballroom dancing

     On Saturday a few friends and I ventured to Bratislava, Slovakia. "What might draw you to such a city?" Well, initially it was to take in the culture of eastern europe, and go sightseeing. Then I heard about the cheap food and drinks, and a myriad of attractive women. I supposed these three things couldn't hurt my becoming more cultured. We took a late morning train and got into the city around 2. We had a hostel in mind that we were trying to get to, but had not yet made a reservation. We weren't exactly sure how to get downtown to where the hostel was, so we first tried looking for our bus stop...to no avail. Then we tried the tried and true method of walking in whatever direction seemed most populated. After about 45 minutes we found ourselves back at the train station. After then looking at a map, we saw that our bus stop was on the other side of the train station. About five stops into the city, we arrived where we needed to be and found the hostel. The cheap place we were trying to stay (12 euros a night) was completely booked, so we made our way to another hostel. The next one we arrived at was a little more centrally located, and ran us about 20 euros each.
     We dropped our stuff off and went into the older part of the city where there was more to see. There was a very cool castle and many old tower building things... Then the night rolled around. We had dinner at a KGB themed restaurant, where the waitress didn't speak a lick of English or German. We basically pointed and grunted at what we wanted. The meal was very good and very cheap, costing only about 6 euros total for pork rib with potatoes and a beer (dark- Regular beer in Slovakia is crap compared to Austrian beer). We asked her how to say several phrases, such as "thank you" and "hello", which we promptly forgot... After dinner we made our way around a few bars, where drinks were quite cheap. However, our night came to an abrupt end when discovered everywhere except the trashy places close around midnight. This put a damper on things, but just walked for a while anyway. The next morning we took the train back to Wiener Neustadt.
     On Monday my school day consisted of horse riding at 8 a.m., followed by nothing...In the evening we had our first dance course with the first years. It is tradition that every class takes a dance course in Vienna or simply in Wiener Neustadt. I was with the group of about 30 that went to Vienna, along with the other cadets from West Point. We went inside and all of the men lined up on one side of the room, and all the girls on the other. I say girls because the average age on the "other" side of the room was about 15. There were, however, some older "ladies." quite a few, you could say, would not make it on the cover of Maxim. I got lucky though and danced with a girl my age, who was quite cute. It turns out she is from france also studying in Austria. As a group, we slowly learned the Foxtrot and then the Waltz. I'm not sure what dances are scheduled for next week, but expect a post. Also, today during my riding class we galloped on the horses for the first time. We're still going around in circles, but it's quite an experience.

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